Take your skin from crepey to glowing

in as little as 28 days with my 9-minute

Fingertip Facelift routine

>>> Take your skin from crepey to glowing in as little as 28 days with my 9-minute Fingertip Facelift™ routine <<<

Before and After photos of woman who's wrinkles disappeared, hooded eyes lifted, and skin went from crepey to glowing
Fingertip Facelift by Allison Wise

The Fingertip Facelift™ routine is an easy-to-follow 9-minute daily routine that will transform your skin in as little as 28 days

The Fingertip Facelift™ can

transform your skin

from crepey to glowing in

just 9 minutes a day

"I'm amazed at how you can

change your face in just 9 minutes!"

Amanda's Results

The Fingertip Facelift™ is NOT

😵 Face YOGA 😵 Face Fitness 😵

😵 Face HIIT 😵

❌ ❌ ❌

...All day long I hear

"Face yoga ruined my face!"

THIS IS 100x better because...

it smooths your wrinkles by

releasing tension -

(the root cause of your wrinkles)

You're going to love your skin again!

Grab the EXACT sequence of moves that in just 9 minutes a day has been proven to:

Lift hooded eyelids

Reverse fine lines and wrinkles

Balance facial asymmetries

Erase forehead lines

Snatch sagging jawlines

Depuff dark undereye bags

Smooth crepey neck lines


-Allison Wise, Fingertip Facelift™ creator

The Fingertip Facelift™ is ❌ NOT ❌

😵 Face YOGA 😵 Face Fitness 😵

😵 Face HIIT 😵

❌ ❌ ❌

...All day long I hear

"Face yoga ruined my face!"

THIS IS 100x better because...

it smooths your wrinkles

by releasing tension -

(the root cause of your wrinkles)

You're going to love your skin again!

Grab the EXACT sequence of moves that in just 9 minutes a day has been proven to:

Reverse hooded eyes

Balance facial asymetries

Smooth forehead lines

Snatch sagging jawlines

Depuff undereye bags


- Allison Wise, Fingertip Facelift™ creator

Real Results in 9 Minutes a Day

7 Day Results

Kim's 7-day result story

9 Day Results

Blakes 9 day story

28 Day Results

28 day story

What people are saying...

I have used this program for only a few weeks but have seen AMAZING results. Once you start seeing results you will start being so happy thank you Allison for this amazing life changer!! Because I don't have $ for Botox!

Caucasian woman smiles

Courtney M

I am absolutely loving this 9 minute routine. I have noticed improvement to my fine lines, my skin is glowing, and my eyes are becoming more symmetrical. I highly recommend this routine to anyone looking for a natural way to get results.

Caucasian woman smiles


OK, but HOW does it work?

First you have to understand that everything you think you know about aging is....wrong

The $93 billion dollar anti-aging industry doesn't want you to wake up and remember that your skin is designed to heal.

But I do. (And it is.)

Publication after publication

show that facial massage has an


anti-aging effect

Analysis of morphological changes after facial massage by a novel approach using three-dimensional computed tomography

H Nishimura, I Okuda, N Kunizawa, T Inoue, Y Nakajima, S Amano

*Nishimura H, Okuda I, Kunizawa N, Inoue T, Nakajima Y, Amano S. Analysis of morphological changes after facial massage by a novel approach using three-dimensional computed tomography. Skin Res Technol. 2017 Aug;23(3):369-375. doi: 10.1111/srt.12345. Epub 2016 Nov 22. PMID: 27878850.

ALL of your skin concerns are tied to 4 main root causes:

The Fingertip Facelift™ helps solve ALL of these in just 9 minutes a day.

Wait...don't tight muscles mean tight skin?

NOPE! And THIS is why! ⬇

Real Results in 9 minutes a day

7 Day Results

9 Day Results

28 Day Results

What people are saying...

I have used this program for only a few weeks but have seen AMAZING results. Once you start seeing results you will start being so happy thank you Allison for this amazing life changer!! Because I don't have $ for Botox!


Courtney M.

I am absolutely loving this 9 minute routine. I have noticed improvement to my fine lines, my skin is glowing, and my eyes are becoming more symmetrical. I highly recommend this routine to anyone looking for a natural way to get results.



OK, but HOW does it work?

First you have to understand that everything you think you know about aging is....wrong

The $93 billion dollar anti-aging industry doesn't want you to wake up and remember that your skin is designed to heal.

But I do. (And it is.)

Publication after publication show that facial massage has an

OBVIOUS & MEASURABLE anti-aging effect

Analysis of morphological changes after facial massage by a novel approach using three-dimensional computed tomography

H Nishimura, I Okuda, N Kunizawa, T Inoue, Y Nakajima, S Amano

*Nishimura H, Okuda I, Kunizawa N, Inoue T, Nakajima Y, Amano S. Analysis of morphological changes after facial massage by a novel approach using three-dimensional computed tomography. Skin Res Technol. 2017 Aug;23(3):369-375. doi: 10.1111/srt.12345. Epub 2016 Nov 22. PMID: 27878850.

ALL your skin concerns

are tied to 4 root causes:

The Fingertip Facelift™ helps solve ALL of these

in just 9 minutes a day.

Wait...don't tight muscles mean tight skin?

NOPE!❌ And THIS is why! ⬇

Enjoy the same results as

over 6000 happy customers

...and counting!

I can definitely tell a difference!


"I'm almost 3 weeks in and can definitely tell a difference! I never realized how much tension was in my face!! And it feels so good"

100% recommend!


"I wish I would have known Allison 10 years ago. Now that I'm...40, my skin is starting to age. After one week, I now look like I'm 30 again, just kidding. But I do feel like my skin is starting to reverse some of the aging and my double chin is reducing due to the releasing of tension in my face and neck. 100% recommend!"

My make up goes on so nicely.


"I've been using your video for a couple of weeks consistently and I'm loving it. I've noticed the biggest change is the texture of my skin. It is so much smoother and my make up goes on so nicely."

The most helpful investment


"This is the most helpful investment that I've ever made!!"

How fast will YOUR results start to appear?

After consistent effort, many customers start to see results in just days!

How fast will YOUR results start to appear?

After consistent effort, many customers start to see results in just days!

Who The Fingertip Facelift™ Routine Is For

  • You cringe inside when someone whips out their phone and unexpectedly says "Say Cheese!"

  • Your stomach drops when you realize you barely recognize that 'old lady' in your mirror

  • You're tired of wondering if you'll ever have your own "after" picture

  • You're finally ready to stop day-dreaming about/break up with Botox for GOOD

So, if you're ready to see your

  • Hooded eyelids LIFT

  • 11 lines FADE

  • Saggy neck TIGHTEN

  • Dark circles BRIGHTEN

  • Crooked Eyes BALANCE

  • Forehead lines SMOOTH

  • Jawline SNATCH

This 👏 is 👏 for 👏 YOU.

But... what about Botox?

Let's just break this down really simply...

"Okay. Botox is bad.


But Allison, I've already dropped hundreds on other gadgets and face fitness programs that haven't worked. 😩

How is this different?"

Girl! I HEAR you. I've BEEN you.

(In fact, I even used to get the 'tox 😳)

But - eventually I turned into a bio-hacking nerd. Believe me, I've studied and tried every natural and holistic healing practice out there.

And I've come to learn that the skin was made to heal itself - and we can help it along.

I took the BEST of my favorite holistic healing modalities and struck GOLD with this magical routine, rooted in science, and now used by thousands of women.


This routine relaxes facial muscle tension, promotes optimal blood circulation and lymph flow, and releases adhesions in the fascia.

All in one 9-minute daily routine.

"Okay. Botox is bad.


But Allison, I've already dropped hundreds on other gadgets and face fitness programs that haven't worked. 😩

How is this different?"

Girl! I HEAR you. I've BEEN you.

(In fact, I even used to get the 'tox 😳)

But - eventually I turned into a bio-hacking nerd. Believe me, I've studied and tried every natural and holistic healing practice out there.

And I've come to learn that the skin was made to heal itself - and we can help it along.

I took the BEST of my favorite holistic healing modalities and struck GOLD with this magical routine, rooted in science, and now used by thousands of women.


This routine relaxes facial muscle tension, promotes optimal blood circulation and lymph flow, and releases adhesions in the fascia.

All in one 9-minute daily routine.

Grab the Fingertip Facelift™ today to

lock in forever access to the routine

and $288 in


before it moves to a membership model!

Bonus #1:

Fingertip Facelift Instruction Masterclass


Includes detailed explanations of the techniques in the Fingertip Facelift™ routine, and answers all your most frequently asked questions.

Bonus #2:

Perfect Posture Video Routine


Want to 10x your Fingertip Facelift™ results? You must focus on the foundation of your face - your neck and shoulders! Posture work is essential to UNwrinkling BUT, perfect posture is more than just sitting up straight. Add this daily routine in to make the most of your efforts!

Bonus #3:

Rewire & Reverse:

Anti-Aging Audio


Heal your skin anytime and anywhere while you multitask or even fall asleep! This audio speaks STRAIGHT to your subconscious mind – reminding your cells how to heal.

This audio has healing messages not audible to the human ear to wake up your tired skin, help you stay consistent with your healthy skincare habits, and so much more.

Bonus #4:

Hands-free Anti-Aging Stretches Guide


I started my age-reversing journey doing stretches just like these at red lights. Learn the stretches that complement your Fingertip Facelift routine, and start doing them anytime, anywhere! (Dirty dishes? Stop lights? Pile of laundry? I'm looking at you.)

Bonus #5:

Fingertip Facelift™ Habit Stacker


I'm a neuroscience geek. I've obsessively studied how the subconscious mind unintentionally sabotages our desired outcomes.

This habit stacking guide is designed to help you HACK your habit loop so you stay dedicated to see skin transformation you are itching for.

Bonus #6:

28 Days of Text Reminders


After you purchase the Fingertip Facelift routine, you'll receive a text message to get this chain of reminders started! With these texts, you'll get the link to the routine every day (no searching endlessly for the link!), and you'll get a reminder at the EXACT time of day YOU want to do the routine (you choose!).

Bonus #7:

Glow Like a Pro Guide

($100 prize)

Use this selfie taking guide so that you can earn a $100 reward when we use your before & after photos! Once you have the PERFECT progress pic, submit it to the team. If we use your pic we will send you a $100 prize.

Bonus #1:


Fingertip Facelift Instruction Masterclass


Includes detailed explanations of the techniques in the Fingertip Facelift™ routine, and answers all your most frequently asked questions.

Bonus #2:


Perfect Posture Video Routine


Want to 10x your Fingertip Facelift™ results? You must focus on the foundation of your face - your neck and shoulders! Posture work is essential to UNwrinkling BUT, perfect posture is more than just sitting up straight. Add this daily routine in to make the most of your efforts!

Bonus #3:


Rewire & Reverse: Anti-Aging Audio


Heal your skin anytime and anywhere while you multitask or even fall asleep! This audio speaks STRAIGHT to your subconscious mind – reminding your cells how to heal. This audio has subliminal skin healing messages not audible to the human ear to wake up your tired skin, help you stay consistent with your healthy skincare habits, and so much more.

Bonus #4:


Hands-free Anti-Aging Stretches Guide


I started my age-reversing journey doing stretches just like these at red lights. Learn the stretches that complement your Fingertip Facelift routine, and start doing them anytime, anywhere! (Dirty dishes? Stop lights? Pile of laundry? I'm looking at you.)

Bonus #5:


Fingertip Facelift™ Habit Stacker


I'm a neuroscience geek. I've obsessively studied how the subconscious mind unintentionally sabotages our desired outcomes.

This habit hacking guide is designed to help you HACK your habit loop so you stay dedicated to see skin transformation you are itching for.

Bonus #6:


28 Days of Text Reminders


After you purchase the Fingertip Facelift routine, you'll receive a text message to get this chain of reminders started! With these texts, you'll get the link to the routine every day (no searching endlessly for the link!), and you'll get a reminder at the EXACT time of day YOU want to do the routine (you choose!).

Bonus #7:


Glow Like a Pro Guide

($100 prize)

Use this selfie taking guide so that you can earn a $100 reward when we use your before & after photos! Once you have the PERFECT progress pic, submit it to the team. If we use your pic we will send you a $100 prize.

What the FAQ?

How will I receive the routine?

The Fingertip Facelift™ is a video tutorial showing you step-by-step instructions to heal your aging skin. After purchase, the video file will be sent to your email you used for checkout - it will allow you lifetime access to the video training. Due to the nature of digital products no refunds will be given.

When should I practice the routine?

The ideal time to practice is whenever you can most focus on yourself. Morning, Noon time, or at Night. Find the ideal time during your day when you can commit to spend 9 minutes solely focused on your skin. Set up a comfortable space in front of a mirror and follow along with the training video.

When will I see results?

Many users report seeing results in just a few days, but consistency is key. Each "after" picture I share is labeled with an indication of how long that person has been doing the routine.

How often should I practice this routine?

Practice this routine daily for 28 consecutive days to see the best results. After you have achieved favorable results you can practice 3-5 times a week to maintain your new skin.

Do I need oil?

Facial oil is recommended to be applied in minute 3 of the routine. When shopping for facial oils, always remember to choose organic, unrefined oils stored in a glass container. Plastic can leach chemicals into oil faster than you can imagine. After the routine, you can leave the oil on your face for added moisture or you can wash it off.

How does this work? Is this like face HIIT?

First you have to understand almost everything "they" told us about aging is... FALSE. The real reason your skin is sagging and aging in hyper-speed is due to muscle tension, poor lymphatic drainage and poor blood circulation to the skin. The Fingertip Facelift™ routine is rooted in science and designed to wake up your skin's natural healing capabilities.

Muscle tension SEEMS like a good thing BUT tight muscles don't equal tight skin! You see, as muscles collect tension they shrink up -- but the skin doesn't shrink. This is what causes your skin to start prematurely sagging.

This routine is NOT a face fitness, face yoga, or HIIT solution. I hear almost daily how "face fitness ruined my face!" My methods work by RELAXING the muscles. When you understand the mechanics of the face and how different facial muscles are from body muscles you can actually start to HEAL your skin. My clients' results speak for themselves - this method WORKS.

Can't face yoga ruin your face?

Yes! In fact, I get messages ALL THE TIME from people saying "Face yoga ruined my face!"

The Fingertip Facelift™ is NOT face yoga. Most face yoga moves can actually cause MORE facial tension. I hear all the time how face yoga did more damage than good.

This routine does incorporate 2 carefully vetted face yoga moves. In fact, it combines the best of several natural healing modalities. With my routine, you can stop wondering which moves will work and which ones will hurt you. 

Why the same routine every day?

Studies show that forming a new habit requires that you do same thing every single day. Plus after years of doing the same sequence of moves I’m still seeing improvements!

This is what I initially thought was my "after" pic - compared to my "after" pic today! As I've kept consistent with the routine, my hooded eyes have continued to lift, and my cheeks have lifted, too!

FAQ image

What are you waiting for?

Affordable beauty is literally at your fingertips!

Carrie's 14-Day Before & After Transformation

Whether your worries are saggy skin, forehead lines, an uneven eye shape,

droopy eyelids, smile lines, melasma, a double chin, or those pesky 11 lines,

this routine meets your skin where it's at, and turns the clock backwards,

helping your skin age in reverse right at home!

Still thinking?

Hi! I'm Allison -

I'm just a girl who likes to make other girls feel beautiful.

It took me 3 years un UNwrinkle my skin - the natural way - but my clients get results in as little as 28 days!

I intentionally designed this program to be everything you need to UNwrinkle, UNsag and UNpuff in weeks... not years.

My soul's purpose is to help women feel beautiful enough to actually like what they see in the mirror.

A high sense of self worth is the SECRET to EVERYTHING, but how can you feel valuable and confident inside when you can barely stand to see your own reflection?


I am so confident in this routine + bonuses that I guarantee that after 28 days of 9-minute practice if you don't see the value in my routine and haven't started to LOVE the girl in the mirror I will refund you.

Caberlotto E, Ruiz L, Miller Z, Poletti M, Tadlock L. Effects of a skin-massaging device on the ex-vivo expression of human dermis proteins and in-vivo facial wrinkles. PLoS One. 2017 Mar 1;12(3):e0172624. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172624. PMID: 28249037; PMCID: PMC5383004.

Okuda I, Takeda M, Taira M, Kobayashi T, Inomata K, Yoshioka N. Objective analysis of the effectiveness of facial massage using breakthrough computed tomographic technology: A preliminary pilot study. Skin Res Technol. 2022 May;28(3):472-479. doi: 10.1111/srt.13152. Epub 2022 Apr 13. PMID: 35416349; PMCID: PMC9907650.

You are 9 minutes away from changing EVERYTHING.

You are 9 minutes away

from changing


©2024 – A Wise Approach LLC DBA Fingertip Facelift™ | All Rights Reserved | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy

Contact: [email protected] | Follow on IG for more tips!

©2024 – A Wise Approach LLC DBA Fingertip Facelift™ | All Rights Reserved | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy

Contact: [email protected] | Follow on IG for more tips!